Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Two Toucan Toesday

Anyday that starts with spotting two toucans has to be a good one right?  The morning quickly got better when the woman who cleans here showed up with her nail painting supplies!!!  I am quite certain Grace is most definitely on a list of nicest people I have ever met. Her family was the one that graciously let us tag along to the river on Sunday.  We all got our nails done.  How she managed to paint beautiful flowers on Lottie's teeny tiny toes is completely beyond me.  Also beyond me is how she didn't request that I lock my kids in a closet since they spent the entire morning pestering her while she cleaned.  Truly if the beautiful scenery, tasty fruit and weather don't do it for you then the kind people here will.  I tried to take the girls to the beach but it ended up being a car ride for a nap instead.  We ended the day (at around 530pm) as it started with 2 toucans in the tree, and some fresh banana bread.  Once I figure out how to keep the baking soda from clumping in the humidity we will be in good shape!!  Story time and movie time begins at 600 in hopes we'll be in bed by 730 :)  These kids, even the evilest one, sleep like champs down here.
I am pretty much used to the smaller ones of these.  This one was waiting for me in the morning and was bigger than my hand :(  I just realized that these things are making the noise I couldn't identify in the house. 

teeny tiny toes ;)  BEAUTIFUL!

Caught it!

Truly lovely painting.  My hands maybe not so much.

This is what happens when you spill watermelon all over.  This is why we eat outside.


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