Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cows on the Beach at Pilon

Two things I most certainly never learned in school are Spanish and what to do when a wandering heard of cattle interrupt your picnic at the beach.  Both of these things have made me feel completely incompetent in the last 24 hours.  So the Spanish has probably been an issue for more like the past 4 days.   The cows were a new level of ignorance.  The girls thankfully napped on the quick drive to the beach and when they finally woke up I noticed a cow as I was getting them out of the car.  I figured if I left it alone we’d be all good.  I got them all set up on a towel with their lunch and then I noticed there were at least a dozen cows.  I realized my initial assumption that they’d stay off the beach lived up to the rule about assumptions.  I made the girls eat quick and we relocated slightly further down the beach.  All was well for a while and then I noticed that the cows had moved further down and were now coming down onto the beach and heading our direction.  I thought maybe the all-purpose noise that the dog whisperer uses would shoo them away.  Then I worried that they’d think I was challenging them and charge me and my innocent children.  I instead decided that walking in water up to our knees and avoiding eye contact would be a better approach.  A couple of them started making cow noises which made me a little nervous.  Like any good parent in a nervous state I have now probably instilled in my daughters a lifelong fear of bovine :(  We’ll call this today’s failure.  Luckily a nice man with some very cute dogs and a rope came by and ushered his cattle back into their pasture.  The girls were quite relieved I was able to go collect our sunscreen and shell collection that I’d intended to sacrifice to the pending stampede. 
Todays major wins include scarlet macaws flying past during dinner and the tasty dinner itself!!!!  Homemade guacamole and of course the ever popular beans and rice.  I also threw in some homemade chips just for added nutritional value.  HaHa.
living it up in the ocean

lovely sandwiches on homemade bread

Help with the dishes?

Since when do cows like salt water?

Right behind my perfect shady picnic spot :(

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